Thursday, August 11, 2011

Valuable Tips In Forex Trading

There is nothing better than to have knowledge and valuable tips when it comes to forex trading, which could either spell a windfall or a devastating meltdown.

This is because of the large amounts of margins required to trade in foreign currencies, but regardless of the prospect of grabbing the opportunity of a bullish forex market or getting over the disappointment of a bear foreign exchange market, it is still best to place the mind over matter, figuratively speaking.

But the million dollar question will always be the same for Forex trading, 'Why do hundreds of thousands of investors and traders continue to trade every day and make money with it?

Here are some effective practices that have been proven to work in the very lucrative forex trading market.

'Trade in pairs, not currencies'. Just like with any other relationship or venture one would like to get involved in, it still pays to know both sides of the story.

Take note that forex trading always requires two foreign currencies and the trade has to be mostly, if not all the time, favorable enough to risk trading it.

The success or failure in forex trading always depends on the right trading conditions with both currencies and how they impact each other, not just one.

'Knowledge is your best ally.' Before you get involved in forex trading, it is important to be aware of all factors, situations and circumstances affecting the foreign exchange market. Upon starting out in forex trading, it is essential that you are adequately acquainted and understand the basics of the foreign exchange market if you want to make the most out of your investments.

Whether you like it or not, the main foreign exchange influence factors is global news and events and believe it or not, the potential opportunities in the forex market are in the volatility of foreign exchange markets and not in its tranquility. 'Too careful or unambitious trading'. Most new traders place very tight orders in the forex trading market in order to make very small profits, unfortunately, this is a very unsustainable approach.

Although it may be profitable in the short run, if lucky, you risk losing in long run, since it is imperative to recover the difference between the bid and the ask price before profit can be made and this is more difficult when making small trades than making larger ones.

'Over-cautious trading.' Just like the trader who would prefer making small incremental profits all the time, the trader who places tight stop losses with a retail forex broker is a very dangerous proposition.

It is important to give your position a fair chance to demonstrate the ability to produce. If you don't place reasonable stop losses that allow the forex trading activity to do so, it will always end up undercutting and losing a small piece of your deposit with every trade process.

'Independence'. If you are new to forex trading, you are apt to either decide to trade your own money or to have a broker trade it for you. This can be a good move, but you risk losing increases exponentially.

Always do research and do not hesitate to interfere with what your broker is doing on your behalf, that way you do not risk depending on your broker without you being aware where you investments are going.

Errors You Should Avoid Making In Forex Trading

Forex trading can be a good business and can yield great results when you have the mind and the courage to delve into it. Forex trading is the business that involves the exchange of currencies or the buying and selling of currencies. People make money when they buy low and sell at a higher price.

But one thing that you should remember though is that like any business, forex trading can have its ups and downs. And in order to ride the highs, you must be smart enough to learn what the lows are and avoid them.

Do Not Predict

Forex trading and market values of currencies are not random numbers that just go up and down. Unlike the lottery when pure luck will make you win, in forex trading you need to be able to understand what goes on and follow the market as it rises and falls.

No one has ever gotten rich with predicting the values of the currencies unless you have ESP.

It's No Science Either

There is no secret formula to winning at forex trading. Although it is not exactly random and basically follows a pattern, there are some instances when things just happen and it appreciates or depreciates depending on the situation. The market is after all volatile. This is one thing that you should know about forex trading before you get into it.

But though it is no science, you can still make money out of it. Just learn the business and follow your instincts and where your experience of the market tells you to go. You may not gain on every transaction but you will certainly save enough for a comfortable retirement.

Don't Panic

The market can be volatile and for most professionals in the forex trading world, it is a game of patience and wisdom. If you cannot afford to lose the money that you will gamble on the forex, don't get into it because the need to gain will always influence your decisions. Sometimes, even when the currencies are falling in value, you have to stick to it because on the long term, they will make you gain bigger.

Economic News Reports In Forex Trading

News reports are pretty important. It allows people to know about their environment and find out what is happening in other parts of the globe. But in forex trading, news reports are vital and they are not just ordinary news reports. Forex traders must read up and research on economic news reports which can say a lot about a country's current economic status and the economic policies which they are instituting. These two, believe it or not, can affect how foreign currencies are traded and made.

With thousands of economic news reports in almost every type of media, it is sometimes hard to discern what to read or what to put an interest in. But forex traders should know that there is actually just a handful of information that they need to know in order to trade effectively. Here are some of them.

The Country's Trade Balance

A country's trade balance can spell explain how much value is placed on its currency. To those who are unfamiliar with the term, trade balance refers to a country's trade surplus or its trade deficits. Still foreign sounding? Trade balance measures the country's exports against its imports. A deficit happens when you import more from other countries that you export. A surplus occurs when the opposite happens: you export more than you import. A trade surplus is a good indication of a robust and thriving economy and this may lead to a stronger currency.

Sales In Retail

Even the number of items that people buy can also tell a lot about a country's economy and therefore have an effect on the way the currency appreciates or depreciates. When a country reports on bigger sales or higher sales in a month, this means that people have the money to spend and therefore the economic wheels are running smoothly. When the economy is good, the currency of that country often becomes stronger.

However, you have to be careful with seasons which are considered buying seasons like Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Valentines, which may have a higher sales rates than other months. Having many retails sales during these months is not always an indication of economic gain but of necessity. People do buy during this period of time. What most economic analysts do though is to compare the spending of people in the current year to the previous year. If there is growth in it, then economy may be in the upswing, so to your forex trading business.

How To Avoid The Pitfalls Of Forex Trading

Many people have succeeded and some have even failed, that's how trading moves and knowing how to avoid the pitfalls of forex trading can help lessen the stigma of a failed venture.

This is not to encourage you to lose and take it easy, but good advise to take is to move on and even encourage one to not commit the same mistake twice.

'Take it like a man.' If you should fall down, get up and move on. It takes a lot of guts to accept loss and wait for tomorrow to try again.

Pride often pushes people to stick to a bad position, which has been the cause of ruin for lots of forex traders, and many have sulked in disappointment, permanently.

Always remember that the market behaves erratically or sometimes illogically, so don't get committed to any one trade, since it is just a trade. One good trade will not make a trading success, but the progressive and regular performance and experience over time that makes a good trader.

Always focus. There is nothing wrong about fantasizing about possible profits and earnings , but "spending" them before you have realized them is guaranteed to be a flop.

Focus on current positions and place reasonable stop losses at the time you do the trade, then let the market work its way. Don't force it, that's how trading works.

Never trust demos, since demo trading most of the time causes new traders to get bad habits, which can be very dangerous in the long run.

Know how your broker's system works, then start trading small amounts and only take the risk you can afford to win or lose, never ever go beyond what you can afford.

Stick to the strategy, don't give into temptations. When you make money on a well crafted strategic trade, don't think of losing it on a whim. Think it through carefully, stick to your strategy and invest profits of your trades to match your long-term goals.

Don't procrastinate, make the most out of every favorable situation. Most successful traders are focused on what's happening in the short-term, not with what may happen over the next month, which may not happen since forex trading markets can change anytime and may not work to your advantage.

Try to focus on what's happening today as the market can move too quickly which may not work well with your long-term goals. However, the long-term trends are also important, as these can help you think of better ways to establish your trading.

Be attentive to cues and details that help affect change in the forex trading market. Many clues are often found in the details. Consider individual trade details, analyze your losses, as well as the trending and root cause of your losing streaks.

Lastly, interpret forex news yourself. If you have established good instincts in your good forex trading practice, do not totally rely on forex news and events all the time, specifically with unsolicited advise over the airwaves, since it can be dictated by advertisers or sponsors.

What Is Forex Trading

Forex trading or foreign exchange trading is a type of trading using the different currencies of the world. This type of trade takes place in the Forex market, known to be the largest market in the world. Over three trillion US dollars are being traded in the market on a daily basis. The forex market is also considered as the most liquid of the worlds many trading markets.

The forex or currency exchange market deals with the simultaneous selling or buying of different currencies in the world. It can be buying or selling a currency in exchange for another currency at an agreed rate. Trading in currencies usually takes place between two counterparts. It can be as simple as making a trade over the phone or through the electronic networks connected all over the world.

Forex trading, unlike trading on the stock market is not conducted by way of a central exchange. Trading of currencies usually takes place on the interbank market which operates like an over the counter market. There are instead main centers where currency trading operates. They are located in the cities of Sydney, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, and New York. This distribution of trading centers that covers the important regions of the world makes it possible for currencies to be traded in the forex market for a 24-hour period.

Trading in different currencies usually takes place between two different currencies in the world. This combination is called more commonly a cross. Trading can be done between the US dollar and the British pound. It can also be between the Japanese yen or the US dollar. Currency trading can be done on any other combination of the various accepted currencies of the world.

Just like any other form of trade, forex or currency trading also has its own risks along with the rewards involved. Taking part in currency or forex trading may require some knowledge as well as experience in or to achieve gains. When compared to other forms of trading in the world, forex trading is considered to be one of the most volatile. Rates between different currencies can change quickly in a matter of minutes.

The chances of getting gains as well as the likelihood of losing money are similarly high. Timely decision making is important in this form of world trading. It might appeal to other traders who are looking for quick turnovers for their deals. This type of trading may not be suited for those people who are looking after a stable but steady means of investing their capital.

Qualities That A Forex Trading Broker Should Have

Forex trading is hard business. With the currencies frequent fluctuations and the markets volatility, forex trading can be a pretty stressful job. But not for everyone.

There are some that can cope with the rigors of dealing with forex trading. In fact, it may even seem that they are cut out for the job. Like all jobs, there are personality types that are perfect for the work being done. A forex broker has his job cut out for him but if he has the right attitude, he can be successful.

Here is a rundown of qualities that people in the forex industry should have. Read each one and determine if you have each of them.

1. Risk Taker

People dealing in the forex trading industry must have the backbone to stay in the game and gamble when they need to. Forex trading like many investments that are high risk is often a gamble. Without the willingness to take the plunge and just follow your gut instincts, you won't be successful in the business. This is because oftentimes you are called to just stay in the game and not fold. That means, trusting in your gut and taking the possible risks. Of course this does not mean that you just plunge into an investment without any thought. After all there is something called a calculated risk and to do that, you need to have the next quality.

2. Willingness To Learn

Although forex trading is a gamble, it is not like lottery where in your chance are purely through luck. If you are willing to learn about the industry, you will find out that eventually, the fluctuations follow a certain pattern. Appreciations and depreciations of the currency do not just happen in random. They do so because they are affected by factors in the economy. This, you will learn when you read up on basics of forex trading and immerse yourself in the news. That way, you will be familiar with the industry and eventually understand the dynamics that make it work.

3. Business-Minded

Forex trading isn't for kids. That much is obvious but neither are they for adults who act like kids when it comes to their finances. People in forex trading should be able to handle their finances well especially if they will be tasked to handle other peoples money. They should have business savvy, which will help them in dealing with people and their money.

Conditions That Affect Forex Trading

There are certain conditions in the economy that can affect forex trading. The conditions may arise from such areas that may include the economic policy being disseminated by government agencies and central banks. Economic conditions may also be generally revealed through periodic economic reports as well as by other economic indicators.

Economic policy consists of the government's fiscal policy or its budget planning and spending practices. Also part of the economic policy is the government's means of influencing the supply and exchange rate of its currency through the actions of the central bank. This policy can further be reflected by the level of interest rates predominant in the country. Other economic conditions that affect the forex market include:

Government budget deficits or surpluses. When the government is experiencing a widely increasing budget deficit, the forex market usually reacts negatively to it while the narrowing of budget deficits has a positive effect. This will eventually have an impact on changes in the value of a country's currency.

Balance of trade levels and trends. The trade flow between two countries can effectively determine the demand for goods and services between the two. This, in turn, will have an impact on the demand for a country's currency to conduct trade. Surpluses and deficits in the trade of goods and services show the competitiveness of a nation's economy, with trade deficits being a negative indicator while trade surplus being the opposite.

Economic growth and health. This is a major factor that affects exchange rates of a certain currency. Health and growth in a country's economy is indicated in reports such as the country's gross domestic product (GDP), employment levels, consumer spending, etc. These indicators measure the levels of a country's economic growth and health. In generally, the healthier and more stable a country's economy is, the better its currency exchange rate will be. This will further lead to more demand for it in the world forex market.

Political conditions. The political state of a country also plays a big part in its currency's foreign exchange. This also is true to the international political climate. Whether it be in the local, regional, or in the international scene, political conditions serve as an important indicator to certain changes in the foreign exchange markets. Serious and sensitive political events around the world can have a profound effect on global currency markets. Not only would it affect forex trading in a certain country, but political event may also affect neighboring countries in a positive or a negative way

Common Mistakes People Commit In Forex Trading

Forex trading is the business that involves the buying and selling of currencies. They are often bought at a lower price and then sold or converted to a much higher price.

Forex trading however is extremely volatile and one wrong move can spell disaster to your savings. This is why people who do not have much to risk are discouraged to get into forex trading as emotions can cloud their judgment and may force them to make the wrong decisions.

One thing good though about the business is the fact that when you get the hang of it, it can provide you with financial security. If you are deciding on getting into forex trading and don't know much about the industry. Here are some of the most common mistakes people commit. Make sure that you read each one and heed the warnings.

1. Don't Aim For High Gain.

Some people go into forex trading thinking that with a small amount of money, they will be able to make millions. This is a misconception. Forex trading will not make you millions in such a short time. In fact, to individuals who play the market, the best that they often get from it is financial security and money for retirement. So don't set your hopes too high. If anything, get that small amount of money that you have and just roll it again after some gains. Even if your gains are not as big, at least you are sure that you are gaining and can still use that same money that you invested to gain again.

2. Don't Rely On Others

Although it is good to have a mentor or have somebody experienced in the business give you advice, there is still an advantage in being able to form your own judgment and make your own analysis. Don't rely on other people for tips and advice all the time. Learn about the business on your own by reading books on the subject and testing your theories and analysis. You can do this by comparing your take on the market with those on television or in the newspapers.

3. Don't Rely On Luck

Forex trading is not some lottery drawing that will win your big money if you are just lucky enough. It does not work that way. Predicting when a currency will go up and go down will not cut it. You should be able to understand how the market reacts.

Online Forex Trading At A Glance

Forex trading is one of those entities that has ridden the wave of the internet age to its peak. Since the creation of the Internet, forex trading has enjoyed immense popularity. This is brought on by the fact that people can now transact over the internet. More and more people are now finding how easy it is to do forex trading. But is it?

Forex trading, to those who are not yet familiar with the industry, involves the buying and the selling of currency or the exchange of foreign money. It is now being used by people for their investment portfolios. Profit is made when an investor buys at low rates and then sells at a higher price. Although there is greater risk in this kind of investment compared to mutual funds and bonds, some people prefer this to stocks, which is also a high-risk investment.

Forex trading is a more liquid form of investment. This means that it is easier for people in forex trading to withdraw or use their money should they need it. This is because forex trading involves cash. Unlike with other investments like mutual funds and bonds, it does not have any specific period of withdrawal. It is also not in certificate form which can make selling a little bit harder. Besides, if you have a stock that is on the nosedive you may not be able to easily sell it. Foreign currencies on the other hand can be exchanged at banks or even used when you decide to go on a trip.

The internet has made the forex market available 24 hours a day. And because of the internet, forex trading has been made available to common people who do not have any ties to investment houses or banks. What is good about the online forex trading sites is the fact that it assures investors of a safe and reliable transfer of money for the business. This is of course if the site is legitimate and reputable. Often, these sites charge a fee for their services.

Still, it is important that people take the side of caution when dealing with online trading sites. Remember that though it is basically safe to transact over the internet, there are still people who seek to swindle people of their hard-earned money. That is why potential investors should check the site first before making any investments into forex trading or before using their services.

Basics Of Forex Trading

Forex trading is perhaps one of the investment opportunities that is just starting to get into the mainstream. Because of its complicated name, people automatically think it is complicated. Thanks to the Internet and the information that is available from the media, the image of forex trading as a complex investment alternative has changed. Many are now into forex trading especially when it is widely available on the world wide web. Websites that are dedicated to forex trading can now be found on the internet.

This is not to say that forex trading is not complicated. Made up of the words, foreign and exchange plus trading, it is the process of exchanging foreign currencies or the buying and selling of the currencies for profit. Profit is made when the currencies are bought at a low price and then sold at a higher price. Often, people who invest in forex trading wait a while before selling their currencies. This is especially true with currencies that are stable like those of the United States and the Euro as well as the British pound.

Forex trading is a good investment option, if you know what you are doing. But if you have no idea about the market, it is best that you invest in safer investment alternatives such as bonds and mutual funds. Forex trading is highly volatile and though there are currencies that are more or less stable, the rate fluctuations are wide.

In fact, in one day, there can be many price fluctuations. This is why some people engage in day trading wherein investors buy and sell their currencies within the day, several times, taking advantage of the many price fluctuations to get earn a profit. This is however discouraged by many experts as this can create artificial supply and demand patterns in the market.

Price fluctuations are brought on by many factors. One of which is the current interest rates that are prevailing in that country. There is also the economy of the country. The better the economy of the country involved, the better it will be for the currency, remaining stable and appreciating. Other factors that may affect the price fluctuations are the employment rate of the country and the rate of buying and spending of the country. Even scandals and peace problems can also have impact on how the currency will perform in forex trading.

Advantages Of Forex Trading

Forex trading has its own advantages over other types of trading. The fact that trading in different currencies does not take place in a centralized market unlike other trading options makes it quite an advantage in itself. Here are other advantages that trading in currencies offer.

One of the major advantages of forex trading is that it provides the opportunity to trade on a 24 hour basis. Trading in forex can start as early as Sunday evening at 20:00 GMT as late as Friday evening 22:00 GMT. This schedule gives traders from all over the world the welcome opportunity to react instantly to breaking news and information that greatly affects the markets and go through with deals that offer the most gains.

Another advantage of the forex market over other trading markets is that it exists in an environment with high liquidity. The forex market is so liquid that there won't be a lack of buyers or sellers to trade with. This helps ensure price stability and narrow spreads within the market, most especially for those of the major currencies. It is the banks that provide liquidity to investors, companies and other market players in the currency trade.

Another major advantage of forex trading is that the profitability of the deals is not being diminished by commissions paid to agents, etc. Every deal and transaction sealed and approved almost always comes without both parties having to pay hefty commissions. It is this fact that makes currency trading very attractive as an investment opportunity for investors who want to trade in currencies on a more frequent basis.

Leverage is another major advantage of trading in currencies. Leverage or gearing allows participating traders to hold a position that can be worth up to 100 times more than the margin deposit made. To cite an example, a USD 10,000 deposit can command positions in forex trading for up to USD 1,000,000 by way of leverage. In forex markets, it is possible to leverage the first USD 25,000 of a traders investment a hundred times and additional collateral for up to fifty times the actual value.

Another distinct advantage of trading in currencies is that there is profit potential even in falling markets. Since the forex market is constantly in motion, there are always trading opportunities available. Anywhere in the world, there is a currency that is either strengthening or weakening in relation to another country's currency. In forex trading, currencies work against each other. When a major currency weakens, it is because one of the other major currencies is strengthening. Falling currency rates may provide traders with buying signals for a possible increase in rates

Qualities Of A Good Forex Trading Investor

Forex trading has become a big business in recent years. Every day, about 2 trillion dollars are being used in foreign currency exchange transactions all over the world. And with the forex trading investments available now on the internet through investment sites, experts feel that the industry will get even bigger as time pass.

Forex trading is the business of buying and selling foreign currencies all over the world for a profit. Profit is earned when the money is bought at low rates and then sold at higher prices. You see, conversion rates or the value of a currency is not stable. In fact, it often fluctuates, not only on a daily basis but sometimes several times in a day. Forex trading is based on this premise. It takes advantage of the price fluctuations in order to make money on the side.

Before only brokers from investment houses and people investing for banks were the only ones that dealt with this kind of investment. However, because of the technology and the availability of information on the internet, people are now starting to get into the forex trading business. Still, not all people can do forex trading. It may all seem simple when you read about it but the truth is, it is a pretty complicated business and only those who have the knowledge and the personality for it can succeed in the industry. Here are some of the qualities that a good forex trader must possess. Read on and check if you have any or all of them.

Knowledge Of The Market

Forex trading is not simple. The appreciation and depreciation of a currency will depend on a lot of factors, including the country's current economic status, its prevailing interest rates, its unemployment rate, buying and spending rate and even the peace and security issues within the country. This is why the news, even the political news is vital to the business community. If you want to be a forex trader, you need to have background on the currency market. As much as possible, you need to be able to analyze the fluctuations of currency values and be able to understand the dynamics that are involved. Knowing what goes on can help you determine which currency to invest in.

Risk Taking Ability

Forex trading is a highly volatile market but it can yield ,great results. That's is why it involves a gamble. A forex trader must be able to take risks. But this is not to say that he or she will just invest in any venture. There must also be some analysis involved to make it a calculated risk

Economic Factors In Forex Trading

There are distinct differences between the stock market and the forex trading market. One difference of the stock market is that trading is very corporate dependent. Stock traders need to know and understand the strategy of a certain company, its profile as well as the company's faring in the business before they can decide on whether to buy or sell those company's stocks. In short, gains and losses on stock deals depend on how a certain company fares as a business entity.

On the other hand, forex trading may be on an entirely different platform. Essentially, the forex market is mainly dependent on the economic health and profile among countries. That is why forex trading depends largely on general economic factors that govern a certain country. Just like timely corporate business news may be important for stock traders, its very import for forex traders to always keep an eye on the economic announcements of countries whose currencies they deal with in order to make timely and wise currency trading decisions.

And since currency trading deals with learning about and understanding the economic factors affecting a country, traders of currencies have to learn how to get the information they need on a variety of economic factors and interpret them in a way to formulate a good strategy for buying and selling currencies to garner the most gain possible. Here are just some of the economic factors that currency traders have to deal with day in and day out.

Economic Data

Everyday, data on measurable price values and the changes may help determine where a country is headed to economically. Inflation may also be useful economic data that currency traders should look into along with prevailing interest rates and the country and the like.

Economic Activity

Economic activity is another factor that may help determine trends in currency exchange rates. Economic activity is shown by way of overall consumer spending, government spending, as well as the ratio of import and export activity in the country. A major factor in determining economic activity is consumer spending, predominantly on goods such as clothing, food and other essential living commodities as well as transportation.

A country's economy is considered to be growing if there is an observable switch to consumer spending from saving. An economy is seen as going in a positive direction if the government spends more on infrastructure such as building various country facilities, upgrading government offices and service, increased military spending, etc. A country with export revenues higher than its own import demands is said to be growing economically. How a country behaves economically can have a very big impact on forex trading.

Simulated Forex Trading

If you are considering trying your hand at forex trading, it is best if you try simulated forex trading first. A simulated forex trading account lets you see the account online and see how it would perform if it were a read account. Simulated forex trading gives you the ability to make pretend transactions and will give you an idea of how actual forex trading works. You will be able to see if your trading resulted in a profit or a loss at the end of the day without risking any real money.

Simulated forex trading works by giving you an imaginary amount of money in your simulated margin account. You will watch the news reports and study the currency markets. When you decide which currency will increase in value against another currency, you buy an amount of that currency and sell off the equal amount of the decreasing currency. The difference between the two currencies is what gives you your profit.

Using simulated forex trading is the best way to learn the forex trading game without risking your own money. Most people learn best by doing and simulated trading is no exception. The learning is less stressful because you are not risking any real money. A simulated forex account will also allow you to get a feel for forex trading. After using a simulated account you may find that forex trading is something that you just don't want to do or you don't have a knack for it. Then again, you may find that you really love it and are very good at it. Either way, it is nice to be able to find these things out without risking your life savings.

Simulated forex trading will also let you practice your trading. You can learn from your mistakes without risking any real money. The more you practice at anything, the better you will get. This rule applies with forex trading also.

Most of the brokerage houses will offer simulated forex trading. Some may charge for the service, but the fee is usually small. The brokerage house knows that if you are able to practice and get comfortable with forex trading , you will more than likely start making large trades, which in turn makes them more money. It's a win-win situation for both of you.

So before you jump in feet first to forex trading, use a simulated forex trading tool to learn the ropes. Forex trading can be quite volatile and complicated. Be smart, practice first and don't risk losing your hard earned cash.

Forex Trading Tool

What is one of the most important forex trading tool that you can have access to? It would have to be a calendar of economic reports. This calendar will help you to avoid trading when the market is volatile and unpredictable. A good economic reports calendar can save you a ton of money and help prevent a loss in the forex trading market. To find the best calendar to fit your needs, shop around on the Internet and find the one that suits your needs the best. There are plenty of free resources online.

The website known as the ForexFactory has a lot of good information on forex trading and a very lively forum. It also has a great calendar. This calendar can be set to your time zone and will give you the time that fundamental announcements will be made in your local time. No more confusing conversions to GMT or daylight savings time.

The calendar does it for you. It also has a great color coding feature that has economic reports that are likely to have the greatest impact in red, medium impact in orange and minor in yellow. You can tell by just a glance the best times to trade and when to exercise some caution.

A website called the FXCM has an associated site called the dailyfx.com. This site has a daily calendar containing fundamental announcements that can be viewed online or downloaded to a PDF file. The reports that will have a major impact are in bold. The PDF file can be printed out to use as a reference on your desk or beside your computer.

Another good trading calendar is the Econoday calendar. This is the favorite among many professional forex traders and fund managers. But this calendar requires a paid subscription. If you are just starting out, there is a free version from Barrons that is good. This calendar will also give you links to detailed explanations on all the major economic reports and why the market cares about them and the effect that this will have.

Forex trading can be complicated and the market can be quite fickle. The economic calendar is your road map to success. You wouldn't want to wander around in the dark without a flashlight, so you shouldn't want to do forex trading without a calendar. A good calendar of economic reports can make all the difference between gains and losses in the forex trading world.

Learn Forex Trading

Forex is simply a short way to say foreign exchange trading. This type of trading consists of trading different currencies of the world. The forex trading market is the largest market in the world. Trades can amount to more than 1.5 trillion every day. If you are thinking about getting into forex trading, you had better study everything that you can before you get started trading on the foreign exchange market.

The main places for trading are London, Frankfurt, New York, Sydney and Tokyo. The great thing about forex trading is that it traded online and it can give unlimited, unique opportunities for a trader to react to breaking news around the globe that may affect the markets.

This type of trading uses a sophisticated forex trading software that is used globally. You simultaneously buy and sell a combination of two currencies. The most common traded currency combinations are the EUR, which stands for Euro, with the USD, which is the US dollar. The USD with JPY, or Japanese Yen. The USD with CHF, or Swiss Franc. Or finally the USD with GBD, or British Pound. The forex trading market is so huge that there are unlimited trading opportunities no matter if a currency is strengthening or weakening in relations to another currency.

There is also something called a spot market in forex trading. This means that trades are settled immediately or in reality two banking days. You are unrestricted in the forex trading market which gives you unlimited trading opportunities day or night. Forward trading can be done to swap your trade forward to a later date. You can then settle your account at a later date.

If you hear the term trading on margin, this means that you are buying or selling assets that have more value than what you actually have in your account. This is a lot like gambling and if you don't know exactly what you are doing here, you could suffer a huge loss.

The spread is the difference between the price that you can sell certain currency for and the price that you can buy certain currency. Then when you compare the bid price and the ask price of a currency, the result is quoted in pips. The definition of a pip is the smallest unit by which a cross price quote can change.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to learning forex trading. There are many web sites devoted to teaching forex trading and some will even let you practice trading before you do it for real. The most important thing to remember is to learn all that you can about forex trading before you invest your life savings. There is money to be made in the foreign exchange market, but you must know what you are doing.

Learn Forex Trading

Forex is simply a short way to say foreign exchange trading. This type of trading consists of trading different currencies of the world. The forex trading market is the largest market in the world. Trades can amount to more than 1.5 trillion every day. If you are thinking about getting into forex trading, you had better study everything that you can before you get started trading on the foreign exchange market.

The main places for trading are London, Frankfurt, New York, Sydney and Tokyo. The great thing about forex trading is that it traded online and it can give unlimited, unique opportunities for a trader to react to breaking news around the globe that may affect the markets.

This type of trading uses a sophisticated forex trading software that is used globally. You simultaneously buy and sell a combination of two currencies. The most common traded currency combinations are the EUR, which stands for Euro, with the USD, which is the US dollar. The USD with JPY, or Japanese Yen. The USD with CHF, or Swiss Franc. Or finally the USD with GBD, or British Pound. The forex trading market is so huge that there are unlimited trading opportunities no matter if a currency is strengthening or weakening in relations to another currency.

There is also something called a spot market in forex trading. This means that trades are settled immediately or in reality two banking days. You are unrestricted in the forex trading market which gives you unlimited trading opportunities day or night. Forward trading can be done to swap your trade forward to a later date. You can then settle your account at a later date.

If you hear the term trading on margin, this means that you are buying or selling assets that have more value than what you actually have in your account. This is a lot like gambling and if you don't know exactly what you are doing here, you could suffer a huge loss.

The spread is the difference between the price that you can sell certain currency for and the price that you can buy certain currency. Then when you compare the bid price and the ask price of a currency, the result is quoted in pips. The definition of a pip is the smallest unit by which a cross price quote can change.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to learning forex trading. There are many web sites devoted to teaching forex trading and some will even let you practice trading before you do it for real. The most important thing to remember is to learn all that you can about forex trading before you invest your life savings. There is money to be made in the foreign exchange market, but you must know what you are doing.

Which Earns More Money, A Bond Investment Or FOREX Investment

Investing in bonds and the savings bank is safe as we will see. But if you are adventurous you can make a great deal from Forex.

The article is written primarily for the smaller investor who needs high yield, the man who has between, let us say, $5,000 and $100,000. If the $5,000 investor secures a return on his money not of 3%, or $150 per year, but 12% $600 per year his benefit will be material, not nominal.

If the $100,000 investor receives not $3,000 but $12,000 the difference is great enough to mean complete financial independence.

While theoretically the large investor, the one with $1,000,000 and up, does not need to consider forex investments, because his $1,000,000 in the savings bank yields him $30,000 a year, or his investment in tax free bonds at 4% yields him $40,000 a year not subject to income tax, strangely enough this is the type of investor who invests the most heavily in the riskier opportunities. Some of the very largest aggregations of capital in the world do little other than invest in mortgages at discounts, foreign loans, real estate syndications and investment partnerships.

Strange as it may seem, the person least satisfied with a low yield is often the very wealthy person. There may very well be a good reason behind the saying that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The rich may know how to invest more intelligently with more information available to them.

In a stable economy we might consider high rate investments as desirable but not necessary. But we are not in a stable economy. We are in an economy in which every year our fund of savings is worth less. Dollars in themselves mean little. They have meaning only insofar as they can purchase goods and services. Let us see how this purchasing power of the dollar fared since the end of the war.

With 1947-1949 equal to 100%, consumer prices rose to 102.8% in 1950. If we consider that at this point in history 1950 we have $102 in the savings bank at 3% interest we can get a strikingly clear idea of savings in a period of inflation. By 1960 in 10 years consumer prices had risen to 126.5%.

Now if the $102 in the bank in 1950 drew 3% interest, after a hypothetical tax of 33%, the owner of the $102 savings account would find by 1960 his account had grown to $122. His interest didn't even enable him to keep up with inflation. He was actually poorer in 1960 than he was in 1950.

If a person were in the 50% tax bracket 4% compounded annually would amount to the same thing. He would have $122 in 1960, the same amount that the person in the 33% bracket would have with his return of 3%.

Risks of FOREX Trading

Despite the claims you may see on some FOREX web sites, FOREX is not risk-free. You are trading with substantial sums of money and there is always a possibility that trades will go against you. There are several trading tools, however, that can minimize your risk, and with caution, and above all education, the FOREX trader can learn how to trade profitably and while minimizing losses.


FOREX scams were fairly common a few years ago. The industry has cleaned up considerably since then, but you still need to exercise caution when signing up with a FOREX broker. Do some background checking – reputable FOREX brokers will be associated with large financial institutions like banks or insurance companies and they will be registered with the proper government agencies. In the United States brokers should be registered with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) or a member of the National Futures Association (NFA). You can also check with your local Consumer Protection Bureau and the Better Business Bureau.


Assuming you are dealing with a reputable broker, there are still risks to FOREX trading. Transactions are subject to unexpected rate changes, volatile markets and political events.

Exchange Rate Risk – refers to the fluctuations in currency prices over a trading period. Prices can fall rapidly resulting in substantial losses unless stop loss orders are used when trading FOREX. Stop loss orders specify that the open position should be closed if currency prices pass a predetermined level. Stop loss orders can be used in conjunction with limit orders to automate FOREX trading – limit orders specify an open position should be closed at a specified profit target.

Interest Rate Risk – can result from discrepancies between the interest rates in the two countries represented by the currency pair in a FOREX quote. This discrepancy can result in variations from the expected profit or loss of a particular FOREX transaction.

Credit Risk – is the possibility that one party in a FOREX transaction may not honor their debt when the deal is closed. This may happen when a bank or financial institution declares insolvency. Credit risk is minimized by dealing on regulated exchanges which require members to be monitored for credit worthiness.

Country Risk – is associated with governments that may become involved in foreign exchange markets by limiting the flow of currency. There is more country risk associated with 'exotic' currencies than with major currencies that allow the free trading of their currency.

Limiting Risk

FOREX trading can be risky, but there are ways to limit risk and financial exposure. Every FOREX trader should have a trading strategy – knowing when to enter and exit the market and what kind of movements to expect. Developing strategies requires education - the key to limiting FOREX risk. At all times follow the basic rule: Do not place money in the FOREX that you cannot afford to lose.

Every FOREX trader needs to know at least the basics about technical analysis and how to read financial charts. He should study chart movements and indicators and understand how charts are interpreted. There is a vast amount of information on FOREX trading available both on the Internet and in print. If you want to be successful at FOREX, know what you are doing.

Even the most knowledgeable traders, however, can't predict with absolute certainty how the market will behave. For this reason, every FOREX transaction should take advantage of available tools designed to minimize loss. Stop-loss orders are the most common ways of minimizing risk when placing an entry order. A stop-loss order contains instructions to exit your position if the currency price reaches a certain point. If you take a long position (expecting the price to rise) you would place a stop loss order below current market price. If you take a short position (expecting the price to fall) you would place a stop loss order above current market price.

As an example, if you take a short position on USD/CDN it means you expect the US dollar to fall against the Canadian dollar. The quote is USD/CDN 1.2138/43 - you can sell US$1 for 1.2138 CDN dollars or sell 1.2143 CDN dollars for US$1.

You place an order like this:

Sell USD: 1 standard lot USD/CDN @ 1.2138 = $121,380 CDN
Pip Value: 1 pip = $10
Stop-Loss: 1.2148
Margin: $1,000 (1%)

You are selling US$100,000 and buying CDN$121,380. Your stop loss order will be executed if the dollar goes above 1.2148, in which case you will lose $100.

However, USD/CDN falls to 1.2118/23. You can now sell $1 US for 1.2118 CDN or sell 1.2123 CDN for $1 US.

Because you entered the transaction by selling US dollars (buying short), you must now buy back US dollars and sell CDN dollars to realize your profit.

You buy back US$100,000 at the current USD/CDN rate of 1.2123 for a cost of 121,223 CDN. Since you originally sold them for CDN$121,380 you made a profit of $157 Canadian dollars or US$129.51 (157 divided by the current exchange rate of 1.2123)

Why Forex Is A Great Trade

The Forex market seems to be one of the hottest markets right now.

Let’s take a look why

It takes small amount of capital to get going and you get leverage with it.

This is important because a lot of people entering the market are looking for ways to make money and not just to invest their spare cash.

Leverage means that you can use other people’s money to make your investment bigger. Not to try to scare you but this also introduces greater chance for Loss. This is not for the faint hearted or people not willing to learn how to trade, understand their trading phycology and follow money management rules. Having been duly warned please keep reading about the great potential and positive aspects of Forex trading.

Leverage is a very powerful tool to make money very quickly.

The Forex Market is the largest in the world worth more than a Trillion dollars a day. This is important for many reasons:

It provides amazing liquidity. There are always people ready to buy and sell so you can always enter and exit your position easily. Smaller markets may not always give you the ability to exit your trade so easily.

It is difficult for larger players to influence the market. In the stock market the larger players can influence a particular stock and cause movement just by their trades.

The sun is always shining somewhere.

There is always trading going on 24 hours a day Monday to Friday. It goes from city to city following the sun. Plus you still get your weekends of to relax. With stocks the markets closes and news is released and the stock can gap at the open leaving you in a worse position. When you can trade a very liquid market open 24 Hours it makes it a whole lot easier to manage your positions and relax.

You are trading so that you can have a better life right?, not just stuck in front of a computer. It is important to get clear on why you are trading or you can just be just swapping one situation for another and not really improving your life. Pep talk over with let’s get on with it.


Stocks may go in sideways movements and suddenly rush up or down and there are a lot of stocks to choose from. Sure there is some stocks renown for being volatile but it is easier to find consistent volatility in the Forex market. The market is always moving so there are always plenty of opportunities for day trading

So I obviously think that the Forex Market provides great opportunity for people to enrich their lives. It gives people willing to learn a little a great lifestyle that many will envy.

I hope that you enjoyed that simple summary. There are many more great reasons to trade forex

FOREX Trading Strategies

To be a successful FOREX trader you need a trading strategy. There is no one set strategy that is good for all traders; rather, each trader needs to develop his or her individual approach to the FOREX. Some traders rely solely on technical analysis while others prefer fundamental analysis, but many successful FOREX traders use a combination of both to get a broad overview of the market and for plotting entry and exit points.

Technical analysis relies on one key concept: Prices move by trends. The common saying in FOREX is 'The trend is your friend.' Market movements have identifiable patterns that have been studied over many years and a thorough understanding of these trends and how they can be read forms the basis of a good trading strategy.

There are many analytical tools available to understand market movements. The beginner FOREX trader is well advised to study each one separately for getting a working knowledge of their concepts and application. Once one has been understood, keep on using it while studying others. Each tool tends to reinforce the others.

Support and resistance levels are used in many FOREX trading strategies. 'Support' refers to the price level that is repeatedly seen as the bottom – when the price reaches this level it tends to rise. Resistance levels are upper prices that the currency rarely trades beyond. Support and resistance levels contain price movements for a period of time.

When currency prices break through support or resistance levels, the prices are expected to continue in that direction. For example, if the price rises above the previous resistance level, it is seen as bullish – the price should continue to rise.

To find support and resistance levels, price charts need to be analyzed for unbroken support and resistance levels. Charts can be analyzed in any time frame; however longer time frames establish more important support/resistance levels. Traders can use support/resistance levels to determine when to enter or exit a transaction.

Moving averages are another common tool in FOREX trading strategies. The simple moving average (SMA) shows the average price in a given period of time over a specified period of time. Moving averages serve to eliminate short term price fluctuations giving a clearer picture of price movements. FOREX traders can plot a SMA to determine when prices have a tendency to rise or fall. If prices cross above the SMA they have a tendency to keep on rising. Conversely, prices below the SMA have a tendency to continue their downward motion.

These are two examples of trading strategies that can be used individually or in combination. In practice, the FOREX trader should have a repertoire of trading tools to examine market conditions and to support the findings of one study or another. If several indicators show that the market is moving in a particular direction the trader can act with more assurance than when relying on a single indicator.

Similarly, fundamental analysis can be used to reinforce technical findings, or vice versa. Ideally, the FOREX trader will take several indicators into account when plotting a trading strategy.

Every trading strategy should provide clear guidelines about when to enter a trade, what to expect in terms of market movement, when to exit a trade, and how much loss can be accepted in case the deal moves against the trader. Following these simple guidelines and learning about technical analysis can help you become a successful FOREX trader

Forex Trading Software

This article will answer your questions about choosing a forex trading software. If you are considering forex trading then you must know that a good forex trading software is a must for every forex trader. This will help you to acccess market information daily to help you in your trading decisions. But how do you choose a good forex trading software? What should you look for?

You should know that there are two basic types of forex trading software. There is the web based trading software and server based trading software. The web based trading software is more popular than the server based. With the web based software, everything is stored on your broker's website. You log in with you access information to use it. There is no expensive installation of data servers and you don't have to worry about maintenance or upgrading.

With the server based software you first need a well equipped computer to use for your data server. This can be very expensive. These data servers are used to transactions of the user and traders in addition to website content. The disadvantage to this software is that there can be delays in transmission because of the Internet connection speed. Sometimes just the physical distance between the main server and the peripherals of the trader can cause delays. Therefore, the server based trading software is more expensive and more difficult to use.

A good trading software should be able to be customized to your specific trading style. The forex trading software on the market today allows you to maintain trade records and it has a charting interface. But some people need to be able to custom their software based on their trading style. A lot of traders like to trade using a system of moving averages. If this is your style, make sure that your software can do this for you.

Of course the most important thing about choosing forex trading software is making sure that it is reliable. You want to make sure that you can get instant access to the trading market so that you will be able to check prices and movement. Make sure that there are no delays in data delivery with the particular software you are considering. Do some research and ask around in the trading forums for recommendations for good forex trading software. If a lot of people recommend the same software, you can be pretty certain that it is a reliable software.

Good forex trading software can make all the difference when it comes to making money or losing money. That is why it is very important to do your research first, learn all you can about forex trading, and then make a decision on forex trading software

Forex Trading Software

This article will answer your questions about choosing a forex trading software. If you are considering forex trading then you must know that a good forex trading software is a must for every forex trader. This will help you to acccess market information daily to help you in your trading decisions. But how do you choose a good forex trading software? What should you look for?

You should know that there are two basic types of forex trading software. There is the web based trading software and server based trading software. The web based trading software is more popular than the server based. With the web based software, everything is stored on your broker's website. You log in with you access information to use it. There is no expensive installation of data servers and you don't have to worry about maintenance or upgrading.

With the server based software you first need a well equipped computer to use for your data server. This can be very expensive. These data servers are used to transactions of the user and traders in addition to website content. The disadvantage to this software is that there can be delays in transmission because of the Internet connection speed. Sometimes just the physical distance between the main server and the peripherals of the trader can cause delays. Therefore, the server based trading software is more expensive and more difficult to use.

A good trading software should be able to be customized to your specific trading style. The forex trading software on the market today allows you to maintain trade records and it has a charting interface. But some people need to be able to custom their software based on their trading style. A lot of traders like to trade using a system of moving averages. If this is your style, make sure that your software can do this for you.

Of course the most important thing about choosing forex trading software is making sure that it is reliable. You want to make sure that you can get instant access to the trading market so that you will be able to check prices and movement. Make sure that there are no delays in data delivery with the particular software you are considering. Do some research and ask around in the trading forums for recommendations for good forex trading software. If a lot of people recommend the same software, you can be pretty certain that it is a reliable software.

Good forex trading software can make all the difference when it comes to making money or losing money. That is why it is very important to do your research first, learn all you can about forex trading, and then make a decision on forex trading software

Forex Currency Trading Software- Interesting

To successfully trade the currency market you’ll need a method that’s flexible , efficient, and easy to understand and implement. Many traders finish up using trading secrets that are the exact opposite ; they use systems or systems that are rigid, ineffective, and very complex and confusing.

Finding explicit information about forex currency trading software might not be easy but we have gathered especially favourable and applicable info about the general material, with the last point of helping you out. Whether or not your search is about other forex currency trading software info,eg currency trading for dumies,xe company or perhaps 2 currency forex learn online trading, this text will prove very useful, to say the least.

Currency exchange hedging is hedging in the Currency market. Hedging involves a trader reducing his / her risk in trading. This does not eliminate the risk or the damage due to a surprising event in the market that causes the position of the trader to adversely affect his / her funds, but correct hedging can scale back the negative result on those funds.

A trading robot can be programmed to execute trades by applying prior pricing history on its program algorithm. This could seem like a just about warranted way to keep on making moneymaking trades like the ones that have taken place during the past.

INTERLUDE– Are you finding this article related to forex currency trading software so far useful? I am hoping so because that is the goal of this text – to get you better educated on forex currency trading software and other related currency exchange trading, day trading for dumies, foreign exchange rates ne, trading foreign exchange currencies and info.

A trader who is long in a currency pair can use hedging to protect himself / herself from disadvantage risk, while a trader who is short in a currency pair can use hedging to protect himself / herself from upside risk.

Dependent on the values of the currencies in the world market and their fluctuations a forex trader could inherit a decent profit or a loss. With the latest recession hitting the world markets more and more folk are discovering themselves en-route to online trading.

We discovered that many folks who were also looking for information related to forex currency trading software also searched online for related info like strategies, number of euro in us dollars, and even strategy forex,beginner currency forex trading.

Once, you have identified your trading system, you want to conquer it. It is always good to demo trade with it for no less than a period of 2 months to find out how it works in truth. After demo trading with it for 2 months, lives trade with it employing a mini or a micro account to test how it behaves under the live market conditions. After 3 months, you should be all set to start your million dollar challenge.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Currency Trading Software - Tips On Buying Forex Software

Forex software can make trading on the Forex market a lot easier. Once the software has been properly programmed, it will do most of the work. A person will be able to set basic parameters for the program and the program will buy and sell currencies even if the trader is not at the computer in person. However, choosing the right software can be challenging. There are many programs to choose from. Some programs are more suitable for newbie traders while others are made for experienced traders who are trading various currency pairs.

Many good foreign exchange software programs allow one a trial period of fourteen to thirty days. Trying out a number of programs in this way can be a good idea. This will enable a person to see which program he or she likes best.

When looking for a program, it is very important to note which currency pairs it deals with. While some Foreign Exchange trading programs will handle a wide range of currency pairs, others will only work with limited pairs. A trader who hopes to expand his or her trading to various currencies should choose software that will be able to handle trading in these currencies.

One should also note what the minimum investment is. Each program requires that a trader place a minimum investment in the Forex market. FAP Turbo has perhaps the lowest minimum; it only requires that a person invest $50 at a time. However, most other programs require that a person invest at least $200 or more in any given currency pair.

It is also important to choose software that has a stop loss mechanism. This mechanism can be set by the trader to prevent a large loss of profit. If the market hits a certain low, then the currency will automatically be sold off. This can save a trader a lot of money.

A good Forex software program can save a trader a lot of time. The program will do most of the work and will conduct trade according to how it has been programmed by the trader. One should take the time to find software that can handle the currencies being traded, is reliable and that has a good stop loss mechanism. A good program will cost a few hundred dollars but it is an investment that is definitely worth making, as it will help a trader to gain significant profits in the long run

FOREX Trading Software Buying Tips

FOREX Trading Software Buying Tips

FOREX Trading Software has made it easier to make a profit in the FOREX markets. This software effectively compares different currencies in their respective markets. It allows FOREX traders to carry out business 24 hours a day.

There are Two Types of Software.

1.The first one is known as Server Side Software (Online FOREX Trading Software). This software allows users to log in to their FOREX market accounts. As usual, users need to supply their login credentials (usernames and passwords), and then they can carry out any FOREX related assignment they desire.

2.The other kind of software is known as Client Side Software. This type of software is installed on your own computer.

Both types of FOREX Trading Software allow the users to trade in FOREX transactions at any time.

The Use of FOREX trading software provides several benefits to users.

* One of the most important benefits of using software is the real time FOREX rates.
* The software can aid the user to gain excellent profits provided the data is properly interpreted.
* It pin-points the relationships between currencies.
* A further innovation is that modern FOREX software can have charting functions to provide extra intelligence to your system.
* It can provide important information about historic behaviour of currencies.

It is critical that data integrity is protected. FOREX trading software should provide security for its users. There are essential assorted security layers that would be hard for hackers to get into. Security will stop the hackers from hacking into the transaction for a likely change in FOREX rates. Without security, hackers could alter rates and place the business in turmoil which in turn, could crash global markets. The security of FOREX trading software also assures that the personal information of the users is protected.

FOREX trading software lets the traders get a good overall view of all FOREX market conditions at any one time. It helps to increase FOREX sales volumes in the market place. Understand this, the FOREX is very complex. You should know every single detail about your software to make it work for you. If possible, use the latest software versions and take advantage of the information it provides to you.

Although FOREX trading has a bad reputation recently, if you use the software correctly, you will make a profit. Remember to upgrade your software when the upgrades are available. But make sure that you can still downgrade if the newer version contains bugs.

There are many places on the Internet where you can buy FOREX Trading Software programs. But, make sure that the software meets all your needs. Make sure you fully test it before the guarantee period runs out. It's no fun being stuck with software that doesn't work for you. There are many FOREX trading sites that offer "try before you buy" software products. Make
sure your software's accuracy, check your readouts with industry standard exchange rates. Some software allows you to predict future trends, how does it compare with reality? The charting functions in the software will display the history of currencies in the form of a graph. Sometimes seeing data in this format makes it easier to make a judgement call.

When you log into your FOREX Trading Site, you can be rest assured that all your transactions will be secure. You'll have access to a huge market of sellers and buyers internationally. With the aid of the software, it's easy to do business transactions at any time of the day or night, assuming of course, the markets are open. If you've never traded in currency before, you can always seek the advice and services from FOREX experts. These experts help you by inspecting the behaviour of the currency transactions you wish to make. When you have more experience, you'll make better choices regarding which currencies to trade, and as a result you'll make more profits. FOREX trading software really is an important tool for FOREX trading investments.